Iron Factory: Ultimate Commander and Alleria (War Within Optimus Prime and Elita-1)
Ultimate Commander is a very interesting toy, a cross between War Within Optimus Prime and Godmaster Ginrai. The smaller vehicle/robot is based on War Within Optimus Prime. He comes with an additional module based on Godbomber that attaches to the back of the vehicle. With that he transformers into Godmaster Ginrai
War Within Optimus Prime is very cool. I really like his vehicle mode. In robot mode he has great paint apps and comes with a gun, sword, and axe. This is a smaller scale toy like all the Iron Factory toys, but is still very detailed.
Godbomber is not a separate trailer. He plugs into the top of the vehicle mode giving him essentially a trailer. It looks great. This set is very well designed. (Hasbro could learn a thing or two.) Godbomber has no robot mode on his own, which is the only real failure of this set. In robot mode combined with Godbomber, Ultimate Commander looks awesome.
Alleria comes in her own box inside the Ultimate Commander box. I am not sure what her vehicle mode is based on. I stopped reading IDW comics a long time ago, but I’m guessing its probably from War Within. I love the translucent orange weapons. In robot mode she either has a laser rifle or a pair of axes. I really like her head sculpt and paint apps.
Overall: This is a very cool set. It was a little expensive, but well worth it.
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